
1. Administrasjon
2. Grunnservice
3. Valgfri service
4. Bokostnader

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4. Cost of living in Bulgaria

Bulgaria is an inexpensive country to live in. The following table shows the approximate costs in the municipality of Tsarevo, where Mekoa Seagarden Resort is located. 
Strøm (pr kWh) € 0.05
Vann (m²) € 0.60
Avfallsavgift pr år 0.40%* av € 20,000 € 80
Eiendomsskatt pr år 0.15%* av € 20,000 € 30
Måltid på restaurant € 2.00
Bensin (per litre) € 0.90
* Note: the rateable value is set by the tax authorities, and is generally less than the property price.  

1 leva +

20 leva +